Category: Blog
See how I am growing as a MA Technical Communicator with my weekly blog updates.
Style and Technical Writing: Weeks 5-8
Hello everyone! As we conclude another enriching eight-week course focused on style and tone, it is pertinent to reflect on the learning experiences and the impact of innovative tools such as artificial intelligence (AI) on our educational journey. Influence of AI Tools on Graded Work Throughout this course, AI has played a crucial role, acting… Read more
Style and Technical Writing: Week 3 and 4
Thanks for swinging by my blog again! I’m excited to share more about my journey in tech communication. AI in Tech Comm I learned how big artificial intelligence (AI) is in the tech comm industry. I was surprised when my professor gave us a video about the different ways ChatGPT 4.0 can analyze questions or… Read more
Style and Technical Writing: Week 1 and 2
Hello everyone, and welcome back to another installment of my blog series! This time around, I’m diving into the world of Style and Technical Writing. Over the coming weeks, I’ll be delving into the nuances of style and its pivotal role in shaping tone of voice. As I reflect on the past couple of weeks,… Read more
Digital Content Strategies: Final Post
The most important thing someone should do when learning about content strategy is to trust your instincts when judging the maturity level of a client and/or company. According to “A Maturity Model for Content Strategy Development and Technical Communicator Leadership”, most companies fall under the maturing level. I did not personally take this to heart… Read more
Digital Content Strategies: Week 5 and 6
Over the past two weeks following my last client meeting, I find myself reflecting on the culmination of my first-ever contract work for an actual client. Stepping into this class, the idea of collaborating with a real-world client and addressing real-world scenarios seemed like a distant aspiration. However, the journey has been nothing short of… Read more
Digital Content Strategies: Week 4
As I reflect on the nearly month-long collaboration with my client, I find myself on the brink of concluding a significant chapter. What has struck me the most during this time is the unpredictability inherent in contract work, even when a clear goal is in sight. The task at hand was seemingly straightforward: my team… Read more
Digital Content Strategies: Week 2-3
Over the past few weeks, my professional journey has taken an exciting turn as I was assigned a client and tasked with conducting a content audit of their latest works. Initially, I underestimated the complexity of this seemingly straightforward assignment. However, through collaboration with my professor, I gained a deeper understanding of the task and… Read more
Digital Content Strategies: Week 1 and 2
Hello all! New Year, new semester, new class: Digital Content Strategies. I’ll be blogging for this class for the next 8 weeks. Hope you check back in every two weeks to see how I am doing! What surprised me this past two weeks was the merging of marketing communications (mar comm) and technical communications (tech… Read more
Technical Editing: Week 5-8
Sorry for being MIA, I was busy with one final project for my Technical Editing class: the comprehensive edit project. The comprehensive edit project is the final project given to me during my Technical Editing class. The premise of the project is for us to find material to apply what we have learned throughout the… Read more
Technical Editing: Week 3 and 4
Over the past two weeks, my journey through the world of technical communication has been filled with delightful revelations, many of which challenged assumptions I had previously held. The most striking insights revolved around the unique relationship between authors and editors, the significance of stylesheets in technical communication, and their practical applications in my upcoming… Read more